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Exciting News at Dean Park Pet Hospital
We now offer Super Pulsed Pet Lasers!

What is a Super Pulsed ‘cold’ laser?

The term laser is an acronym for “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.”  Super Pulsing makes it safe for use even with kittens!  Three wavelengths of light are combined to help our pet patients with pain management, inflammation and especially faster wound healing.  This has become very popular as it gives you a stress free, at home, way to be part of the therapy team with us.  Cats and dogs love the sensation and you’ll see it in their eyes, it just feels good!

What is laser therapy?

Laser therapy treatments are a safe non-invasive method to help reduce acute and chronic pain. This Pet Laser is FDA cleared and enables patients to have an alternative to drugs and surgery. Laser therapy takes just minutes depending on the condition being treated. Laser therapy works by delivering deep penetrating photons of light energy to induce profound physiological changes at the cellular level. Cell’s mitochondria soak up this light energy and convert it to cellular energy, ATP.

What can owners expect?

Owners often ask what a laser therapy session actually feels like. These lasers are for pets but are just as safe when placed on human skin so you can feel what your pet feels. It is painless and usually perceived as a sensation of pleasant warmth over the affected area. The Pet Laser emitter is held close to, or directly on the pet while the right “dose” of light is delivered based on easy to use preset protocols. Most animals are happy to lie quietly and spend the time with their owner; many find it very relaxing, like a quick, relaxing nap.

Results vary according to age, body size and chronicity of the condition for recovery time and improved clinical signs. Some owners notice immediate, dramatic, reduction of clinical signs, like pain, after just 1 or 2 treatments. With other older patients, responses may be more subtle and gradual, and require a full series of at least 6 sessions before noticing significant symptom improvement. Much like acupuncture or physical therapy, laser has been shown to have a cumulative affect and patients are advised to continue laser therapy as long as they continue to improve.

Please come in or phone us at 250-656-9911 to ask if Pet Laser is appropriate for your pet. We have 2 Pet Lasers to rent to owners to try at home on a weekly basis. We will assess your pet and teach you how to laser your pet at home. We think you will love the convenience and the results!


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